Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Moisturizing Deep Conditioner

I have to say, the conditioner that I made was well worth it. It made my hair so soft it was crazy. This is a moisturizing deep conditioner because a couple of days before that I deep a Protein deep conditioner, and I have to day it made my hair so dry and hard feeling and like straw.There was nothing I could do about it for those two days because I did't have everything I needed for the conditioner.

So I took it apon myself to just work it out till then, I was missing my avocado and that was the key ingredient.

Below you will see everything I used to achieve this. Sorry there is no picture of my hair, I went to sleep and left it on over night and washed it out and hit the streets.

1 Avocado
Black Strip Molasses ( Lil Bit)
Banana (Baby Food) Big Bottle
Grape seed Oil 
Olive Oil (Cap Full)
Coconut Oil (Melted)
Agave or Honey
2 Shower Caps
Wet Towels (Extra Heat)
I do not have the exact measurements because I just eye balled it, but I will tell you I used very little Olive oil, because I've learned it tents to make things thin out. I used to small avocados but was not shown in picture, or you can use whatever size you choose.

As for the Honey or Agave I used raw organic Agave ( not shown). The bottle was thrown away by accident. I usually use honey but misplaced it.

Everything else was eye balled to my liking. Everyone's hair is different, so you can change this if you want and add a lot or little oils as possible to your hair well being.

I add face towels to each shower cap on top for added heat to my head to get my hair to suck in as much moisture as possible.

This recipe is enough for two applications for above bra strap length , like armpit lenght and it taste good too.

Go ahead and try it for dry and damaged hair it works wonders. I also blow dried my hair and it was even more soft.
Let me know your results if you try it yourself.

~~Have A Blessed Day~~


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